Events happening today
12 March 2023 05:00 06:00
As memories of the past trickle in, Joe struggles to recall animportant detail. Phoebe shares her hasty plans with Kate.Nadia scrambles for a solution.
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12 March 2023 06:59 07:09
Having sworn to protect his sister after the death of theirparents, Victor makes a last-ditch effort to get out fromunder the mob debt; with nowhere left to turn, Victor has nochoice but to accept Miles' offer to join the game.
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12 March 2023 06:59 07:59
Paige moves into her new house, but Edwin complicates her lifeat every turn - especially her relationship with her boyfriend.Meanwhile, Edwin enlists Finn's help to get a job.
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12 March 2023 22:00 23:30
Endeavour's investigation into a number of untimely deathnotices in the Oxford Mail, each with a cryptic message,takes him to a series of funerals, then behind the curtain ata funeral directors', before forcing him to confront his ownmortality.Thursday is facing more than one confrontation of hisown, as his past closes in on him. There's trouble in thepresent to deal with first, and he resorts to desperatemeasures to protect those he loves most.At CID, as Strangelooks set to transfer to Kidlington, and Bright eyesretirement; where will this leave Endeavour and Thursday?
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