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Wizards Beyond Waverly Place S01E21 - Nigh is Now!
After discovering that Billie and Roman are missing, theRussos work together to rescue them from an evilvillain's clutches.
S.W.A.T. S08E13 - High Ground
During a hiking trip, Powell and Darlene stumble upon anillegal weed farm and become entangled in the dangerous plot ofthe cartel that it belongs to.
NCIS: Sydney S02E04 - Truth Sabre
NCIS: Sydney is thrown into the murky world of onlineconspiracies after a car owned by a U.S. Navy cyber engineerexplodes just as her teenage daughter was about to take adriving lesson.
Gold Rush S15E17 - Rogue Foremen
Brennan confronts Kevin about a lack of equipment. Tony comesdown hard on Mike when a side dumper crashes in a ditch. Parkerbrings in monster dirt haulers, hoping to get 1,000 ounces ofgold weekly.
Fire Country S03E13 - My Team
Station 42 responds to a fire in the dugout before the annualcounty clash baseball rivalry game. Meanwhile, Vince'sex-girlfriend returns.
The Way Home S03E09 - Too Late to Turn Back Now
The Landry women pick up the pieces of their past, eachwishing they could read Colton's mind. But Jacob may havea secret he's keeping from them too.
Running Point S01E02 - Joe Pesci
With her brothers considering a coup, Isla must act fast tosalvage a lost sponsorship. But an even bigger surprise awaitsthe entire Gordon family.
Surface (2022) S02E02 - Speak of the Devil
Eliza and Sophie rekindle their relationship. At Quinn andGrace's engagement party, tensions rise and anunexpected guest shows up.
Toxic Town S01E02 - Season 1, Episode 2
1999. A surprising phone call makes Susan speculate that thebabies' differences may be connected. A grieving Tedstirs up trouble within the council.
Dope Girls S01E02 - Butter Wouldn’t Melt
As Kate and Billie dispose of a body, the Saluccis search fortheir missing heir. Violet is assigned to go undercover in thepolice cells, where her skills and morals are tested.
Running Point S01E03 - The Travis Bugg Affair
After Travis insults a sponsor, Isla does damage control -with catastrophic results. Ali helps a bewildered Jackie adjustto his new position.
Toxic Town S01E03 - Season 1, Episode 3
2002. As the mothers': campaign group starts to build itscase against the council, they're met with what feelslike an impossible obstacle.
The Newsreader S03E05 - On the Brink
As Public Eye reaches number one, Helen is blindsided by afront-page article revealing her history of mental healthstruggles and institutionalisation. As she considers how torespond, she focusses her energy on a special report about themental health system.
Towards Zero S01E01 - Series 1, Episode 1
After a scandalous divorce, a tennis star, his ex-wife, anda volatile mix of guests converge on a coastal estate, where atroubled detective wrestles with his own despair.
The Americas S01E03 - The Wild West
The Wild West, where coyotes face a snowbound Yellowstone,rattlesnakes emerge in the hundreds, woodpeckers compete tostore food, bison battle on the Great Plains and cranes gatherin vast numbers on their age-old migration.
The Equalizer S05E10 - Dirty Sexy Money
McCall is asked to help a local family that lost their lifesavings in a suspicious fire. Also, Mel opens up to herparents about her PTSD.
The Americas S01E04 - The Amazon
The Amazon, the largest rainforest on Earth: drone footagecaptures giant otters hunting together while black caimans preyon newly hatched turtles; a harpy eagle chick's firstdays in the canopy and army ants on the move reveal newbehaviors.
The Great North S05E03 - Bots on the Side Adventure
Ham starts performing at Yet-E-Cheddar':s and develops astrange relationship with an animatronic Freddie the Yeti,that puts his relationship with Crispin in jeopardy. When thenew Tobin Boat turns out to have a cursed name, the kidsbattle, Succession-style, for naming rights. Ham and Crispinbreak up.
The White Lotus S03E03 - The Meaning of Dreams
Jaclyn pushes the idea of a vacation fling on Laurie. Chelseafinds herself in a perilous situation. Gaitok worries about areprimand.
Family Law S03E09 - Catch 22
Abby':s client, Naomi, wants a medically assisted deathbefore Alzheimer's destroys her capacity to consent, butNaomi's grieving son seeks a court order to block heraccess.
Skymed S03E09 - Chasing Sunsets
Bodie':s wedding celebrations take an unexpected turn,forcing the SkyMed flight crew to race to save one of theirown.
Tracker S02E11 - Shades of Grey
While tracking the son of a prominent New Jersey cupcake chainfounder, Colter gets thrust into the middle of a violent mafiawar.
Watson S01E04 - Patient Question Mark
When Sasha discovers a link between her current patient, whohas advanced cancers and distinctive lesions on his tongueindicative of Cowden syndrome, and a cadaver she dissectedduring medical school, the team traces the case to Amishcountry.
Suits LA S01E02 - Old Man Hanrahan
Ted needs Amanda':s help with a new prosecutor inLester's murder trial. Erica squares off against Rick tostop him from poaching a client. Stuart and Samantha argue overRick's position in the firm. In the past, Ted improvisesafter losing a witness.
Family Guy S23E03 - Drunk with Power
Peter runs into Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh at abrewery tour, and the two drink the night into oblivion. WhenPeter wakes up, he realizes their lives have swapped, and hejoins the Supreme Court as Brett Kavanaugh, and Brett returnsto Quahog as Peter.
Yellowjackets S03E04 - 12 Angry Girls and 1 Drunk Travis
The Yellowjackets attempt to spin a hundred suspicions intoproof. Coach Scott has an existential meltdown and wonders ifthe universe really does hate him. Meanwhile, Jeff embarks ona crusade to make things right energetically. Shauna isforcibly committed to some "me time" and confrontsthe walking disaster she's turned into. Spoiler:it's not a spa day.
Grosse Pointe Garden Society S01E02 - Pests
Birdie grows more invested in her scholarship recipient, Ford.Alice investigates her dog's murder. Catherine wrestleswith coming clean about her affair. Brett butts heads with hisex-wife. In flash-forwards, Birdie seeks help covering up thebody.
Grimsburg S02E03 - Training Wheels Day
After nepo baby Otis the Kid Detective is put on the force perpressure from the Mayor, Flute makes it his mission to get thekid to quit the force. But his plans to scare Otis away go toofar, just as Flute grows a soft spot for him.
Running Point S01E04 - Doljanchi
At the league':s owners': conference, Isla chases agame-changing deal. Ness and Sandy discover that sharing a homemeans sharing more than just space.
1923 S02E02 - The Rapist Is Winter
Things get contentious at the courthouse. Spencer stays inGalveston longer than he desires. Mother Nature makes herpresence known.
Toxic Town S01E04 - Season 1, Episode 4
2009. The mothers and council face each other in court. As bothsides give their evidence, a key witness could change thecourse of the entire trial.
Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue S01E01 - Dead Reckoning
Nine people survive a plane crash into the Mexican jungle, butthey don't know that a murderer lurks in their midst; ninedays later, their bodies are recovered by the Mexican army;one of the passengers is missing - but who?
Virdee S01E04 - Series 1, Episode 4
The killer':s game turns personal when a tense phone callat police headquarters forces Harry to relive a trauma from hispast. Could the recent crimes be connected? Meanwhile, achance discovery prompts Saima to question what she knows aboutHarry and her brother.
Murdoch Mysteries S18E16 - Shakespeare':s Beard
Murdoch and Brackenreid are stunned when an actor in aperformance of Hamlet dies on stage before their eyes.
All American S07E05 - I Got a Story to Tell
Both Beverly and Crenshaw are on a hot streak in theirrespective games. Amina struggles with her decision to run forStu-Co president when she discovers her campaign speech fallson a very difficult day. When Tori makes a pass at KJ, hefinds his heart pulled in two directions. Khalil reckons withthe conflict between his new life and his father'sinfluence. Coop attends a law panel, and the professor'
NCIS S22E14 - Close to Home
When Torres receives a text from Jimmy':s daughter who hasdiscovered a large sum of money near the naval library, theteam works together to investigate.
American Dad! S21E19 - The Sickness
When Rogu comes down with a mysterious illness, the Smithsstruggle to find a cure.
Sight Unseen S02E07 - Papa Don't Preach
Tess investigates a pastor':s daughter, whose suddendisappearance stirs deep tensions within her devout family andclose-knit community.
The Hunting Party S01E05 - Roy Barber
When Bex and the team race to stop Roy Barber, known as theCouples Killer, before he strikes again, they uncover achilling scheme that puts Roy's crimes in an entirely newlight.
Running Point S01E05 - Beshert
Isla and Lev':s long-delayed engagement party raises bigquestions about religion and commitment. Jackie tries to shakeup the Waves' halftime show.
Saint-Pierre S01E09 - Bad Friends, Bons Ennemis
Arch and Fitz investigate Fitz':s enemy, PremierO'Brien when he becomes the prime suspect in a bachelorparty gone wrong.
Son of a Critch S04E09 - The Last Stop
Mark is stunned a friend dies and the school mourns a classmatefew remember. Meanwhile, Mary takes a course but is mistakenfor the instructor. Mike Sr and Pop take an emotional trainride.
Moonshiners S14E15 - Imposter Syndrome
Desperate to discover who is surveilling them, Mark and Diggerset a trap. Tim and Howard attempt a new path to recreating thefamily's high-proof elixir recipe. When Big Chuk arrivesin Franklin County unexpectedly, Tickle and Henry haveconcerns.
The Curse of Oak Island S12E14 - Sinking In
As the team moves closer to retrieving what they believe to bethe Chappell Vault, a dangerous event occurs in the Money Pitand the Fellowship must adjust their plans quickly to avoiddisaster.
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