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Events happening today

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    • 22 February 2023 03:00      03:30

      When a train delay causes issues, Abby sees an opportunity toserve underground justice. Gurgs tries to stall the proceedingsso Abby can meet her favorite celebrities, Johnny Weir andTara Lipinski, but Dan has dinner reservations he won't giveup.

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      22 February 2023 03:00      04:00

      After a string of armed robberies target various businesses,the team investigates a suspect who leads them to somethingmuch bigger. Also, OA worries about his future when hisinvestments begin to go south.

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    • 22 February 2023 03:00      04:00

      In the aftermath of the fight with Golem, Carlos, Mary andLatika are cleaning the clubhouse when they hear a noise fromoutside. They creep out to investigate and spot a figure butcan't quite make it out until it turns, and they are shockedto see John standing before them, covered in blood.Meanwhile, Carlos and Latika set out in search of somethingimportant.

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      22 February 2023 03:30      04:00

      The kids are allowed to wear jeans at school for Spirit Week.The only problem is that Mark doesn't own a pair. Meanwhile,Sister Rose picks Mary to join her choir.

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    • 22 February 2023 03:00      04:00

      The team must stop a militia from detonating a highlycombustible truck in their possession. Meanwhile, OfficersNolan, Thorson, Juarez and Detective Harper search for threemen who may have been exposed to Ebola and detain them forquarantine.

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      22 February 2023 03:00      04:00

      Katherine and the team head to Silicon Valley to invest ingreen tech, including Sandbox, a potentially bogus companyfounded by Wesley's friend, Chase.

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    • 22 February 2023 05:00      06:00

      It's Valentine's Day, and love is in the air. The FBI teams upwith LAPD to take down a shady Casanova linked to a notoriousdrug lord. While the rest of the team celebrates with their newloves, Simone connects with someone new.

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    • 22 February 2023 05:00      06:00

      Eve and Gavin ally with James to infiltrate the Lazarusbuilding in hopes of saving Ty and stopping Kiera fromdestroying their only way home. When a deadly horde awakensbeneath the clearing, Veronica must save Ella before a lethalsting kills her.

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    • 22 February 2023 05:00      06:00

      When the GBI discovers that a neo-Nazi organization is planningan attack, they prioritize the case to protect innocentpeople. Meanwhile, Angie faces a potentially life-changingscenario and investigates a sneaker release gone wrong withOrmewood.

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