Events happening today
30 January 2023 23:00 31 January 2023 00:00
Jack is sucked into a complex case where he's pitted againsthis former mentor. The tight-knit group of police officersprovide a difficult case where nothing is as it seems.
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31 January 2023 00:00 00:30
Rachel wonders if she can date without breaking the Order'srules, and makes a pious new friend whom she suspects knows alot more about the outside world than she lets on. Davidstruggles to get Fiona to pay attention to him, and decides tosit in on the church's teenage sex education class to get someromantic inspiration.
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31 January 2023 03:00 04:00
When the Santa Ana winds blow into town, they seem to confirmBilly's theory that they are a bad omen after he faces multiplesetbacks. Spencer convinces a reluctant ally to speak theirtruth, but it doesn't come without consequences. Jordan findshimself juggling too many secrets and accidentally lets oneslip. Olivia throws herself into moving on and comes to anunexpected realization. Meanwhile, Skye offers to helpPatience with her social media, leaving Coop's and Skye'srelationship dynamic to change.
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31 January 2023 04:00 05:00
Simone struggles with trying to balance her new"duties" and her loyalty to Nate, leaving her toquestion if she made the right decision. Marcus sees that Theais struggling on the court and offers her help in an unexpectedway. Damon tries to keep the baseball team focused as they inchcloser to a big achievement. Meanwhile, Cam isn't sure ifpledging is for him, leaving JR to reevaluate the fraternity'sstrategy.
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31 January 2023 04:00 05:00
A foster care worker is reported as missing, but after he endshis own life, the MPU starts to investigate a pregnant womanhe was seen with who has been missing for two years.Meanwhile, Sidney follows Keith and fears he may be dangerous.
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31 January 2023 04:00 05:00
A young woman is thrust into the world of old money and deadlysecrets after accepting a nanny job from a handsome widower.
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31 January 2023 05:00 06:00
When Ben leaps into one of five people in an elevator at a 1962nuclear reactor, he must figure which one triggers a bomb thatkills them all. Each time the bomb goes off, he leaps intoanother one of them an hour earlier, resetting the scene.
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31 January 2023 05:00 06:00
On the way to their babymoon, Lea and Shaun get a quick lessonin parenting when they rush to aid an injured dog. Meanwhile,Dr. Danica Powell secretly performs an operation on a friendthat could jeopardize her career.
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31 January 2023 05:00 06:00
While bonding with the other nannies, Elena learns that theWards' previous nanny vanished without warning. Elena continuesher search of The Greybourne and discovers a shocking truth.
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31 January 2023 06:59 07:29
While Mila, Pierre, and Juliana are asleep, Vinícius findsthe Copper Tunnel, but he cannot find the door to access it.Mila thinks that Mila II, from that Universe, might knowwhere the door is and asks Pierre to establish communication.Meanwhile, in Universe I, Mila II and Elis X are having fun.
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31 January 2023 06:59 07:59
While the team is working to clear up a volatile grave at acemetery, Lucy hears a voice speak her name. Ghosts aren'tsupposed to talk... are they?
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31 January 2023 06:59 07:59
Jen makes a new friend, Jizzlord tries to mediate theCarrie/Jen fallout, and Kash apologises.
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31 January 2023 06:59 07:59
The Masire patriarch is killed and now Mo must find out who didit. Tlotlo gets into a dangerous negotiation with Zaza. Mo andAngela have a moment.
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31 January 2023 06:59 07:59
Ángela suspects Lalo had something to do with her arrest.Rocío gets in trouble at school but is comforted by Dulce.Victoria goes on a date.
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31 January 2023 23:00 01 February 2023 00:00
As the evidence mounts against the accused police officer, thelocal CID finds dissent within their ranks. The Lyell teamunveil corruption and deceit within the local jurisdiction,with deadly and wide-reaching consequences.
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