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Events happening today

  1. 2

    02 September 2024 02:59      03:59

    On the night of Claudine':s perfume launch, Bella fightsto get the business grant she needs. Cecil's plan to killDanioni fails but a shocking attack from Virat causes fatalchaos.

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  2. 4

    02 September 2024 04:00      05:00

    Layton learns who was responsible for the experiments on Josieand Liana, before also finding out who froze the world; BigAlice approaches New Eden but can't cross thebooby-trapped bridge.

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    02 September 2024 04:30      05:00

    Judy investigates a mysterious cloaked figure who':sbuying up all her art. Beef, Wolf, Ham, and Moon grow agiant cabbage. Honeybee and Jerry compete to see who can keepfoam fingers on the longest.

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  3. 5

    02 September 2024 05:00      06:00

    Deeply in debt with a new home and baby, Rishi takes a massivegamble after a surprise visit from an old friend. Later, withhis luck running out both at home and work, Rishi engages inanother high-risk, high-reward opportunity that could threatenhis job at Pierpoint.

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  4. 6

    02 September 2024 06:59      07:29

    As a desperate Eiko attempts to elude the police,Misaki's mysterious past comes into focus. Malcolmwrestles with the nature of fate.

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    02 September 2024 06:59      07:59

    Coming Soon...

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    02 September 2024 06:59      07:59

    Following the tragic events in 2003, The Judge looks to JackZiegler to exact a plan of revenge.

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    02 September 2024 06:59      07:59

    As tensions rise, Wilson meets Lígia, a reporter from Spainlooking to investigate corruption in the City of God. Later,Leka questions whether her father's photographs areexploitative, Barbantinho tries to set up a face-to-face withCurió and Bradock, and Berenice fights to keep her boyfriendClayton, aka "PQD", away from crime.

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    02 September 2024 06:59      07:59

    Jésica faces the unimaginable as protests erupt at thehospital. Néstor struggles to get along with Patricia. Leo andLluís find themselves in a dilemma.

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    02 September 2024 06:59      07:59

    The search for Zeus': missing watch turns deadly. Troubleis brewing in the Underworld, as an old friend ofPrometheus' meets his destiny.

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    02 September 2024 06:59      07:59

    As Stéphane and the team land in Guadeloupe in search ofMarion, they are greeted by angry citizens. Back in Paris,Andréï prepares a military operation.

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