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Events happening today

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    30 May 2024 00:00      01:00

    Drugs, drink and simmering emotions explode into multipleshowdowns and a violent assault at the illegal rave. Kelly isrushed to hospital in a critical condition. But will herattacker evade justice?

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  2. 2

    30 May 2024 02:59      03:59

    With Cai':s killer caught, the True Way takes control ofSt. Jory, threatening their own form of violent justice. CanGrace restore order or will she fall victim to the chaos?

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  3. 3

    30 May 2024 03:00      04:00

    Geri discussed her new business venture with Walker, but thereis more to her return. James, Cassie and Trey appear to makesome headway in their investigation. Meanwhile, Stella andAugust make a startling discovery. Lastly, Bonham and Abbyhave differing views about their retirement plans, with Liamserving as a referee.

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    30 May 2024 04:00      05:00

    Coming Soon...

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    30 May 2024 06:00      07:00

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    30 May 2024 06:59      07:29

    A family party leads to a life-changing decision for thebirthday boy.

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    30 May 2024 06:59      07:59

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    30 May 2024 06:59      07:59

    The last opportunity for justice arrives as all theparticipants reckon with their true involvement in the eventsthat transpired. A radical choice of forgiveness allows forclosure.

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    30 May 2024 06:59      07:59

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    30 May 2024 06:59      07:59

    The worst possible thing happens and Claire':s life willnever ever be the same again.

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    30 May 2024 06:59      07:59

    Present-day Maximo reconnects with Hector, whose arrivalsparks a memory from 1985 that they each recall verydifferently.

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    30 May 2024 06:59      07:59

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    30 May 2024 06:59      07:59

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    30 May 2024 06:59      07:59

    A surprised Yaz welcomes Sammy and Ben to a protected islandand gives them a tour. But is it really a "dinosaur-freezone" - or too good to be true?

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    30 May 2024 06:59      07:59

    When food becomes scarce, Mulligan and Lucy go on a campaignto promote vegetables while Farrah tries to create an ethicalalternative to meat in a lab.

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