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Events happening today

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    01 October 2024 00:00      01:00

    Abby':s convinced she knows how to stop the remainingcarriages, but with Joe out of contact and almost out oftime, is it too late for those hurtling towards the end of theline?

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  2. 2

    01 October 2024 02:59      03:59

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    01 October 2024 02:59      03:59

    The taskforce':s investigations reveal that Pearceallegedly mentioned the name of a certain Cédric Duval. Thisman is allegedly involved in the operation that killed hispartner and children. Vincent gets closer to the President ofthe Republic while Zara must manage aspects of her privatelife.

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  3. 3

    01 October 2024 03:00      04:00

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    01 October 2024 03:00      04:00

    The 126 race into action when a major train derailment causesmultiple injuries; Meanwhile Tommy makes a bold move in herrelationship with Trevor; Wyatt asks Owen to give Judd his jobback as Marjan and Paul continue to compete for the openposition.

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  4. 4

    01 October 2024 04:00      04:50

    Elena and Lila spend the day together in the neighborhood,where Elena sees how well-respected Lila has become... as wellas the peril brought on by Marcello's drug runningoperation. Later, Lila and Elena desperately try to reunitewith their families after a sudden earthquake forces residentsto flee the city.

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    01 October 2024 04:00      05:00

    Simone opens up to Amara when her integrity is questioned.Damon returns and gives some sound advice to JR. Lando isskeptical about his future possibilities. Marcus wants to doeverything he can for Noah but is met with some resistance.

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    01 October 2024 04:00      05:00

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    01 October 2024 05:00      05:30

    Evan gives failing grades to an entire class and faces thewrath of a parent from his past.

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    01 October 2024 05:00      06:00

    When a high school girls': basketball coach is faced witha debilitating illness, Dr. Wolf must help his patientreconnect with her body before it's too late. Ericka andDana treat a frat boy who sees dragons.

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    01 October 2024 06:59      07:59

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    01 October 2024 06:59      07:59

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    01 October 2024 06:59      07:59

    Penelope struggles to endure as winter brings freezingtemperatures, scarce food and an unforeseen danger thatthreatens to change everything.

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    01 October 2024 06:59      07:59

    Work obligations interfere with Noah and Joanne':s plansto take their relationship to the next level, while Sasha andMorgan bond over family dynamics.

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    01 October 2024 06:59      07:59

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    01 October 2024 06:59      07:59

    Khanyi is swept up in the public backlash against Nido. Mandlaattempts to strike a deal with the A6, but soon finds himselfout of his depth.

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