Events happening today
08 May 2023 02:00 03:00
Maggie struggles to make sense of her personal life. Sullydeals with some financial challenges.
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08 May 2023 03:00 03:30
When a plague of insects shuts down Springfield, the Simpsonsface their greatest challenge yet... spending time in lockdownwith each other.
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08 May 2023 03:00 04:00
Missy heads to Denver to judge a pageant. Isabel and Hankrealize selling the town on the stadium deal will prove harderthan expected.
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08 May 2023 03:00 04:00
When Fisk tasks McCall with tracking down an ex-MI6 agent inParis with whom she had a past relationship, she must convincehim to help her track down a crucial document that his friendwas hiding. Also, Delilah faces discrimination at her newfashion internship.
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08 May 2023 03:00 04:00
When Red is identified as a possible hostage during a delirobbery in Philadelphia, Dembe and Ressler take action. Backin D.C., Senator Panabaker evaluates the task force's dealingswith Red while Siya digs deeper into her mother's past.
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08 May 2023 03:30 04:00
When a hi-tech seafood vending machine shows up in Lone Mooseand drives down the price of fish, Beef loses it. Judy andKima become junior members of an all-women's smokejumper crew.
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08 May 2023 04:00 04:30
Honey and Chief become status-obsessed when Jill buys them afancy new dog mansion. Chico is reunited with his former ownerwho has a dark secret. Tabitha loses her fur, but possiblyfinds new love.
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08 May 2023 04:00 05:00
When four people, including a CIA officer, are shot andkilled in broad daylight, the NCIS team suspects the attackshave something to do with DRONA. Also, Pembrook meets withCallen and gives more insight into his past.
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08 May 2023 04:00 05:00
Hank is faced with an impossible decision at work, as hisdepartment's jobs are on the line. Lily settles into a newnormal in New York.
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08 May 2023 04:00 05:00
The team faces unexpected challenges while investigating themurder of a homeless man. Also, Haywood and Dryden hit aspeedbump in their relationship, and Quinlan struggles with adecision at Ruskin Gardens.
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08 May 2023 04:30 05:00
Meg gets married in Russia but returns home after discoveringshe was used for a green card marriage. Meanwhile, Chris, inneed of an extracurricular activity, joins Principal Shepherdin shooting pornos at the high school.
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08 May 2023 05:00 06:00
Kenny and Ellis make a grisly discovery out in the forest. Boydstruggles with the reality of what's happening to him.
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08 May 2023 05:00 06:00
Trapped inside on a snow day, the Yellowjackets revisit thehighlights, humiliations and traumas of "HealthClass". Tai and Van help each other kindly rewind, Mistyexplores joining a classic Cosmic American tribute band, Lisahelps Natalie carp the day, and Shauna gets a pop-quiz on hercookie-reading assignment.
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08 May 2023 05:00 06:00
Hoping to work the angles on the GoJo deal, Kendall and Romanask Shiv to invite a political insider to Logan's annualpre-election day party. Later, Connor considers whether toadjust his ambitions after receiving intel from the Menckenteam, while Kendall and Roman catch wind of a potentiallyfortuitous scandal.
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08 May 2023 05:00 06:00
Emma and Charlie partner with Daphne to produce a plan to takedown the Maguires once and for all, but will the finalshowdown cause Charlie and Emma to stay on opposite sides orend up closer than ever?
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08 May 2023 05:00 06:00
Carol infiltrates Elohim City, where there is a chillingundercurrent about an imminent war. Cogdell has multiple winsduring cross examinations but is unsure whether it will beenough. Carol struggles to keep her cover at Elohim City.Vernon's battle for control over Mount Carmel takes a perilousturn.
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08 May 2023 05:30 06:00
As Mary Jo's behavior worsens, Sam and Tricia grapple with thedifficult decision of escalating her care. Then, as Triciapitches her services for Fred and Susan's wedding, Joel has acrisis of faith, and Sam struggles to get back in touch withher instrument.
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08 May 2023 06:59 07:59
George's hidden struggles - and the extreme measures he'sundertaken for a chance of future happiness with Charlotte -finally come to light.
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08 May 2023 06:59 07:59
Weir is forced to play his final ace when Crowley's nefariouspsyop to win support of the Shared Data Act and hijackdemocracy succeeds. But Crowley's counter puts both Liv and Benin mortal danger.
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08 May 2023 06:59 07:59
A retelling of the emotional impact of Dan's betrayal from theperspective of Dan's wife, Beth. As the Gallagher's settleinto their new home, Beth meets potential buyers for the housethey are leaving and tries to ignore the gut feeling thatsomething is not right in her marriage, until tragedy strikesand makes that impossible.
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08 May 2023 06:59 07:59
At the world's fair, Harriet meets a 14-year-old photographerwho's unsure of his future-but shows Harriet how to cherishtoday.
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08 May 2023 23:00 23:15
A hopeful mechanic and disillusioned young Jedi team up for arisky and unlikely quest to turn the tide of the galactic war,but dark forces tail them.
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