Events happening today
19 May 2023 01:00 01:30
The boys head out to sea to make the trade with theColombians, while Tash receives an unwelcome visitor whosearrival changes everything.
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19 May 2023 03:00 03:30
Mandy surprises Georgie with a spa weekend and Sheldon preparesfor his summer in Germany.
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19 May 2023 03:00 04:00
The Station 19 crew trade in their turnouts for tuxes and gownsas they attend the Firefighters Ball, but when disasterstrikes, they jump into action to save the day.
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19 May 2023 03:30 04:00
Sheldon and Mary head to Germany while the rest of the Cooperfamily braves a tornado that is heading straight for Medford.
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19 May 2023 04:00 05:00
When Margaret is too sick to work on the final day of animportant negotiation, Todd must step in and impersonate alawyer while Margaret uses her investigative skills. Also,Margaret and Gus finally share their first kiss.
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19 May 2023 04:00 05:00
In the search for a revenge-for-hire crime ring, Benson andStabler combine forces on a case that has now spread globally.Fin and Bruno help a rape victim assaulted a second time. Jet'splan to hack the dark web backfires and puts the team indanger.
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19 May 2023 04:00 05:00
Simone's wedding day arrives as Jo and Link's relationship hitsa turning point; the attending surgeons fly to Boston,forcing a reunion between Nick and Meredith; Bailey gets asurprise.
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19 May 2023 05:00 06:00
As OCCB and SVU close in on a callous and desperate suspect,the U.S. Attorney benches Stabler and Benson. Bell and Fin mustlead the team on a perilous task. Rollins confronts a witnesswho refuses to cooperate.
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19 May 2023 05:00 06:00
The CSI team investigates a murder case that hits close to homefor Folsom. When he is forced to sit this investigation out,he does his own digging with help from Trey. Worried Folsomwill do something he regrets if he gets his hands on thekiller, the team find themselves racing to arrest the suspectfirst.
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19 May 2023 05:00 06:00
Simone's wedding day arrives as Jo and Link's relationship hitsa turning point; the attending surgeons fly to Boston,forcing a reunion between Nick and Meredith; Bailey gets asurprise.
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19 May 2023 05:00 06:00
Dennis readies for Haven's launch party, but a betrayalthreatens everything he's worked for. Pressure rises as Marianaand Joaquin dig for more clues about Madison's whereabouts. Afriend from Malika's past returns.
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19 May 2023 05:30 06:00
As Cary attempts to leave his mark on the set of EmilyOverruled, Brooke discovers that her new persona isn't easy topull off, and Pat's disguise works a little too well.
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19 May 2023 06:59 07:29
Consumed by their new solo pursuits, the band makes a shockingannouncement on a live radio show.
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19 May 2023 06:59 07:59
The Pink Ladies must team up with Susan to get the school dancethey envisioned approved by the PTA. When nothing goes asplanned, friendships are broken and secrets are revealed,leading to major consequences. Along the way, the Pink Ladiesdebate whether Susan, or anyone, can really change. Nancy andCynthia are afflicted with crushes, but deal with them in verydifferent ways.
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19 May 2023 06:59 07:59
After learning what she must sacrifice in order to destroy theHoly Grail, Simone's love for Jay is put to the test. At thePyramid Facility, Wiley faces his own demise and attempts toearn his boots.
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19 May 2023 06:59 07:59
1980. As the trial gets underway, Allan's testimony aboutBetty's state of mind rankles her father. Candy gets a visitfrom an incensed Pastor Jackie.
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19 May 2023 06:59 07:59
Catherine wants to bring more fun to the court. With Georgina'shelp she stages a festival of truth, jokes and stunninglyclever ideas. Katya puts on a play that challenges Catherine'sreign, and Catherine samples Peter's invention of saltydesserts.
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19 May 2023 06:59 07:59
After they see the attention an angsty emo kid gets from theladies, Beavis and Butt-Head pretend to be sad and end up in apsychiatric hospital; Beavis notices his body is starting togo through changes after he is bitten by a rabid raccoon.
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