Events happening today
07 April 2023 00:00 01:00
Gene's mettle is tested during business negotiations inMorocco; Albert tests Mint Ma's patience; and Cindy is forcedto take drastic action to protect Eddie.
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07 April 2023 01:15 01:45
Suze realises she has run out of options so reluctantly agreesto help Sare find their father. Comedy drama, starring SarahGoldberg and Susan Stanley
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07 April 2023 03:00 04:00
The crew finds themselves in the middle of a family dispute anda renovation that's gone off the rails. Ben crashes as Baileyand Carina go undercover at a crisis pregnancy center. Travispreps with Eli for a mayoral town hall.
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07 April 2023 04:00 04:30
Victoria and Patel encounter Fish and Game officers while on acall. Animal Control dispatch radios with a report of anaggressive attack dog on the loose.
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07 April 2023 04:00 04:30
Kat and Max have some news to share, but attempt to keep it asecret until after Sheila's big birthday bash; Carter breaks apre-wedding superstition and thinks he is cursed.
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07 April 2023 04:00 05:00
Troy runs into big trouble in his favorite honey hole: Danielchases a legendary gator known as The Pirate; Leron andPorkchop battle a voodoo curse and confront a zombie gator;Black Rambo answers a call for help from his grandpa.
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07 April 2023 04:00 05:00
A bull rider shows up at Grey Sloan with severe injuries,forcing Maggie, Amelia, Owen and Blue to examine their ownbiases. Elsewhere, Simone can't find anyone to be her maid ofhonor, and Mika takes drastic measures to pay down her studentdebt.
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07 April 2023 04:00 05:00
A construction tycoon interferes with an SVU investigation intoher family. Carisi struggles to get an indictment when thecomplainant backs down.
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07 April 2023 04:00 05:00
The Langston Lions are cursed with an epic losing streak. Tomake things worse, Filthy's long-time rival, Zuma, has beentalking smack about his game performance on social media.Convinced that Voodoo is the solution for it all, Filthytravels to Congo Square with Maya, Vondie, and J.B. foranswers-only to learn that there's no shortcut to winning andbelieving in yourself.
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07 April 2023 05:00 06:00
When a drug bust goes sideways, the task force uncovers asinister robbery scheme targeting gay men. Bell vows to help afellow officer when he falls victim to the scheme.
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07 April 2023 05:00 06:00
Mariana has a big decision to make and turns to her visitingMoms for support. Joaquin questions whether Jenna is ready tobring Silas to justice. Alice tries to be productive at work,but grows impatient with her much-older fellow writers.
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07 April 2023 06:00 07:00
We follow four outcasts on their first day of junior year atRydell High. There's Jane, a brainiac good student who wantsto run for student council but is fighting tawdry rumors abouther; Olivia, who is still fighting off a scandal from lastyear; Cynthia, who just wants to be one of the boys; andNancy, a fashion maven who is growing apart from her childhoodfriends. The four unlikely friends will shake up the socialorder of Rydell High.
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07 April 2023 06:30 07:00
Zac's wavering faith in his relationship with Fatima leads himto unsolicited advice from a much more seasoned person; Fatimadeceives Zac in an effort to help him.
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07 April 2023 06:59 07:09
Kevin, Jordan, Andre and his mother pull out all the actionmovie stops on their mission to confront the enemy, and aftera few bumps in the road and a near-miss with a chain saw,they're all in position, except Andre.
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07 April 2023 06:59 07:29
Zac's suspicions make him question Nathan's involvement withFatima's dating app profile; Deja tells Zac that' she is goingto sue Fatima.
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07 April 2023 06:59 07:29
Yi and the crew are overrun with pings from humans who arefrustrated by creatures they now live alongside. Just when theythink they've solved one issue, another springs up - and thenthat original one pops up again too!
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07 April 2023 06:59 07:29
An emergency board meeting puts Ellis' job on the line. Ashocking discovery forces Jackson to step up to save thecompany - and his dad - from disaster.
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07 April 2023 06:59 07:59
Vadic forces Picard to make an impossible choice: deliver whathe can never give... or watch his crew perish. Their onlysalvation lies in the mind of an old friend and old foe.
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07 April 2023 06:59 07:59
The spirits enlist Dawn to help Maddie recall her last livingmoments which takes a heartbreaking turn. Nicole desperatelytries to keep a secret from being revealed. As the spiritsbegin to ask more questions, an unexpected turn of eventstakes place within their own.
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07 April 2023 06:59 07:59
A moral panic drives Jane and her friends to create their ownnarrative and name and The Pink Ladies "girl gang"is officially formed.
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07 April 2023 06:59 07:59
After a tragic loss, Yun-huei goes on air to speak up for herbrother. Hsiao-chi has 10 days to close the case as moredisturbing questions arise.
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07 April 2023 06:59 07:59
Denise is catapulted into an unknown world after a devastatingtragedy. Meanwhile, Anna initiates a surveillance operation onthe women of the 'Ndrangheta, focusing on Giuseppina Pesce andMaria Concetta Cacciola.
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07 April 2023 06:59 07:59
External dilemmas throw Carlton and Will off track and preventthem from fully preparing for the Founder's Award.
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07 April 2023 06:59 07:59
Diego and his friends find Pola, who is on a mission torestore balance to the Earth's magnetic field. Pola reveals asecret to Diego: he is a descendant of Jules Verne,therefore, he is the guardian of the dimension. Pompilio goesinto the Verne dimension searching for Tungsten, a valuablerock. When Pola and Diego return, a mercury volcano erupts.
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07 April 2023 22:00 23:00
When the gang wind up in detention, Darcy comes up with a planto escape. But can they make it to the staff room and backwithout getting caught?
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07 April 2023 23:00 08 April 2023 00:00
A house is burgled but the prime suspect was locked up in apolice cell at the time. It's up to Esther to rally adevastated Humphrey and solve this impossible crime.
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07 April 2023 23:00 08 April 2023 00:00
At careers day, Summer is left humiliated in front of Cassidyand her friends, sending her anxiety spiralling. And a schoolfootball match makes unlikely allies of Billy and Darcy.
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