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Events happening today

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    05 April 2023 00:00      01:00

    Determined to get Colin the justice he deserves, Laura putsherself in danger to uncover the truth. An influencer's stalkerfollows her to Barcelona, with horrifying consequences.

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  2. 2

    05 April 2023 02:59      03:59

    Chun-ho tries to make sure that the kids all survive so theycan return safely to the camp. The kids after having gonethrough a common struggle begin to bond with each other. Theyalso begin to learn more things about being a soldier. Butthere seems to be a more ominous order awaiting them from highcommand. Will they make it through another day?

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  3. 3

    05 April 2023 03:00      03:30

    When Abby lands a meeting with the New York City districtattorney to talk about her ideas for reform, Dan inviteshimself along to share his expertise in the art of"backroom dealing". Gurgs teaches Neil a lesson inconfidence.

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    05 April 2023 03:00      04:00

    Charlie gets a break in a long-unsolved kidnapping case thathas haunted him, but runs into trouble when the abducteerefuses his help.

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    05 April 2023 03:00      04:00

    When the abduction of an American architect in Rome appears tobe connected to a brewing terror threat in New York City,FBI's Jubal and Nina join Forrester and his Fly Team in Italyas they work together to find the missing American and shedlight on the terrorists' U.S. target.

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    05 April 2023 03:00      04:00

    Lois interrupts an intense conversation between Clark and JohnHenry. Meanwhile, Kyle tries to run interference between Sarahand Lana. Lastly, Jonathan has a heated discussion withCandice's dad.

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    05 April 2023 03:00      04:00

    When Wesley's grandfather passes away, Katherine and theothers learn that all the heirs plan to sell their companyshares, which would tank the stock price; they attempt damagecontrol at the funeral to try to stop it.

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  4. 4

    05 April 2023 04:00      05:00

    After a long wait, the Fellowship gets permission to return totheir excavation in the swamp; almost immediately, they makea discovery that could connect all the cobblestone dots in themysterious bog.

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    05 April 2023 04:00      05:00

    The 126 race to rescue a woman with an arrow shot into herhead; Judd is doubly surprised by the news Wyatt shares;Mateo helps a family member in need and comes to regret it.

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    05 April 2023 04:00      05:00

    Jiro's mother has taken care of his brother Sam ever since thecar accident that left Sam with a traumatic brain injury, butwhen their mother dies, and it appears that Sam is beingabused in his new group home, Jiro has a big decision to make.

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    05 April 2023 04:00      05:00

    After discovering some potential leads in their investigation,Turner and Harper investigate a possible connection betweenBruce Wayne's death and the mysterious death of a lawyer.Meanwhile, Carrie and Duela head to a nursing home to questionEunice. At the Belfry, Stephanie opens up to Cullen about herlife at home, while Harvey makes an unsettling discovery.

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    05 April 2023 04:00      05:00

    To aid Scola in his undercover mission to find the terroristsbelieved to be behind the imminent attack in New York City,Maggie calls in Remy, whose well-connected informant from aprior case may be key to moving the operation forward.

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  5. 5

    05 April 2023 05:00      06:00

    The clock ticks as the FBI and FBI: MOST WANTED teams joinforces to hunt down the fugitive terrorists as they get closerto carrying out a plot to destroy a major New York Citylandmark and cause devastating civilian casualties.

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    05 April 2023 06:59      07:09

    Andre and Jordan go undercover at Kevin's agency while tryingto find out who is responsible for their deadly actingpredicament; meanwhile, Kevin is incapacitated by the devotedcaretaking of Andre's mother.

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    05 April 2023 06:59      07:29

    After their intense battle against Mr. Lung, the CreatureBrigade disbands, leaving Yi and Everest as the remainingcreature helpers.

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    05 April 2023 06:59      07:29

    A call from an old professor puts Jackson in a tough spot. TheRed Lab crew faces hard truths. Ellis sets his sights on newheights at his side job.

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    05 April 2023 06:59      07:59

    After the war, Sigbjørn tries to rebuild his life in Norway,until a shocking letter forces him to make a difficult choice.

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    05 April 2023 06:59      07:59

    A campus assault from the past brings Kuo Hsiao-chi one stepcloser to the truth. Lin Shang-yong decides to risk everythingfor his daughter.

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