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Events happening today

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    02 April 2023 23:00      03 April 2023 00:00

    A rising music star, Gaia Lafayette, receives the opportunityof a lifetime, and the same night that she excitedly announcesto her devoted fans that she and her band are headed to LA, ashocking turn of events leads Grace and Branson to believesomeone may be trying to harm her. With a perpetrator on theloose, Roy must deduce who of Gaia's fanbase may be concealingsinister intentions. Meanwhile, a grisly discovery on a remoteSussex pig farm puts Roy under serious pressure, forcing himto split his team in order to investigate two impossible linesof enquiry.

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    03 April 2023 00:00      01:00

    While Pip continues his education with Miss Havisham, he growsincreasingly attached to her daughter Estella. In the city ofLondon, the corrupt and powerful lawyer Mr. Jaggers gets aletter that will change Pip's life forever.

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    03 April 2023 00:00      01:00

    Georgiana gets a surprise visit. Colbourne's shooting partygoes ahead and Charlotte has to confront all that she's lost.Mary and Tom cross swords over his plans for the old town.

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    03 April 2023 02:00      03:00

    The annual land blessing is thrown into disarray when one ofthe campers goes missing.

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    03 April 2023 03:00      03:30

    Coming Soon...

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    03 April 2023 03:00      04:00

    Cash's ride at Boulder Rocky Mountain Rodeo puts the McMurraysback in business. Meanwhile, Tuff and Valeria are forced towork on their friendship as they work to save the ranch.

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    03 April 2023 03:00      04:00

    When Dr. Laken Perillos resurfaces to join Wujing's crusadeagainst Red, a member of The Task Force is put in danger.

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    03 April 2023 04:00      04:30

    When Honey attempts to cure Diablo's irrational fear ofbasement monsters, she puts the whole group in jeopardy. Chicoand The Gray One follow Kevin onto a plane to get to the bottomof why Kevin always abandons Chico. Chief faces off against theloud barking dog in the sky, more commonly known as thunder.

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    03 April 2023 04:00      05:00

    Magnum and Rick make a shocking discovery in the Capt. Greenecase. Higgins and TC head to Maui to help an eccentricbillionaire find the owner of a pesky drone that has beenharassing him. Shammy helps Kumu after an incident occurs at LaMariana.

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    03 April 2023 04:00      05:00

    Hank spirals when a storage pod full of his father's belongingsis dropped in his front yard; the professors spiral whenrumors of budget cuts threaten their tenured jobs.

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    03 April 2023 05:00      06:00

    The Yellowjackets barely made it through summer in the woods,but now as winter begins to bite, we'll see if hunger anddesperation turn into full-on psychosis. While there may or maynot be a dark and powerful force inhabiting the wilderness,their survival could depend upon what they choose to believe.Meanwhile, twenty-five years later, each survivor must askthemselves - Is the darkness coming for them, or is it comingfrom them?

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    03 April 2023 05:00      06:00

    After Shiv discovers that Tom is following Logan's playbook,she, Kendall, and Roman consider backing Sandi and Stewy'saggressive play on the Matsson deal. Meanwhile, Logan gives animpromptu pep talk to the ATN newsroom... and outsources atricky conversation with Kerry. Later, Connor tries to makethe most of his rehearsal dinner when Willa goes AWOL.

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    03 April 2023 05:00      06:00

    Birdie reaches out to an old flame to help the family steal apainting. Meanwhile, Emma grapples with Charlie's admissionand must deal with conflicts of interest at work at the CIA.

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    03 April 2023 06:59      07:09

    Kevin's dream action movie is in full swing, but the danger isa little more intense than he expected, as are the injuries;making matters worse, his longtime co-star, Jordan King, hasbeen roped into the film, and she's not happy about it.

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    03 April 2023 06:59      07:29

    Superstar-level mania sets in when the renowned andprosperity-brining creature Qilin appears in front of Yi'sbuilding.

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    03 April 2023 06:59      07:29

    Facing fallout from the Time cover, Ellis fears getting oustedand receives support from an old pal, while Anna uncoversintel to keep the twins at bay.

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    03 April 2023 06:59      07:59

    When Lester tells his dad he wants to live with him, Jimmystarts to dream big and asks Anne for support. Lou destroysreminders of old heartbreaks and tells Anne the secret he haskept for decades.

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    03 April 2023 06:59      07:59

    Coming Soon...

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    03 April 2023 06:59      07:59

    After fleeing town, Zenzi encounters new revelations andperilous obstacles. The police investigation widens, whileJoseph's silence worries Raymond.

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    03 April 2023 06:59      07:59

    Despite his daughter desperately begging him to stay home,Alfred and his friend Sigbjørn embark on an 18-month missionon a merchant ship bound for New York.

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    03 April 2023 06:59      07:59

    The surfacing of another brutal murder puts the city in a stateof panic. A tearful grandfather's on-air pledge for help getscompletely out of hand.

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