Events happening today
02 April 2023 06:59 07:09
Kevin's dream action movie is in full swing, but the danger isa little more intense than he expected, as are the injuries;making matters worse, his longtime co-star, Jordan King, hasbeen roped into the film, and she's not happy about it.
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02 April 2023 06:59 07:29
While Everest is going through some typical teenager growingpains, a welcome distraction comes in the form of LiLi, anadorable nine-year-old who's positively obsessed with Yi,Everest, and the crew's pursuits.
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02 April 2023 06:59 07:59
With lives at stake, the group tries to stop a nefarious plotbefore it's too late. In the aftermath, Peter confronts thepast and begins a new chapter.
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02 April 2023 23:00 03 April 2023 00:00
A rising music star, Gaia Lafayette, receives the opportunityof a lifetime, and the same night that she excitedly announcesto her devoted fans that she and her band are headed to LA, ashocking turn of events leads Grace and Branson to believesomeone may be trying to harm her. With a perpetrator on theloose, Roy must deduce who of Gaia's fanbase may be concealingsinister intentions. Meanwhile, a grisly discovery on a remoteSussex pig farm puts Roy under serious pressure, forcing himto split his team in order to investigate two impossible linesof enquiry.
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