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    • 21 March 2023 03:00      04:00

      As Rafael and Mateo face discrimination from their fellowinmates and the court, Perry continues his push for justice,while Della engages the help of wealthy socialite CamillaNygaard. Later, Paul chases leads in the Hooverville, andPerry goes head-to-head with tycoon Lydell McCutcheon.

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      21 March 2023 03:00      04:00

      Philip finds himself resentful about what he knows is about tohappen in the future.

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    • 21 March 2023 03:00      04:00

      Simone and the Bringston tennis team work together to make thebiggest decision of their season. Meanwhile, the Lions faceoff against their biggest rival for the conference championshipas Damon realizes he has competition for Simone's heart. Camgoes to JR with a serious situation, leaving JR with theweight of the world on his shoulders. And Nate needs to choosebetween an important interview or standing by her friends.

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    • 21 March 2023 03:00      04:00

      NCIS works to solve the murder of a Marine private who appearsto have been killed for helping an Afghan refugee. Also, Jimmynavigates the pressure of parenting his teenage daughter, whois eager to go out on an unchaperoned group date.

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