Events happening today
13 March 2023 23:00 14 March 2023 00:00
The victim's turbulent past comes to light. While Sunny takes atrip to Paris and Jess drops in on an unsuspecting Lord, thepair continue to butt heads.
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14 March 2023 00:00 00:30
After the T-Car is towed due to outstanding parking tickets,Robin has Cyborg enter a golf tournament for the cash prize.
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14 March 2023 02:00 02:30
Calvin and Marty consider starting a new business together.Also, Dave sets up a mini library stocked with a self-helpbook he authored.
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14 March 2023 02:00 03:00
As Olivia struggles with the loss of her father, friends andfamily must set aside their grief to help as she fights to staysober... but only one person can help her find peace in themidst of her pain.
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14 March 2023 02:00 03:00
As Buck's life hangs in the balance, he dreams of a worldwhere he never became a firefighter, for better and worse.
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14 March 2023 02:30 03:00
Bob makes things worse after interfering in Goodwin and Kofo'songoing spat. Also, Abishola puts her pride on the line whenshe realizes she's been an inattentive friend to Kemi.
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14 March 2023 03:00 04:00
As Simone and the Bringston tennis team travel to theirtournament, prepared to dominate, an unexpected encounterputs them in danger. Simone, being a leader for her team,provides strength in a time of serious trouble. Damon pondershis next move in one area of his life, while dealing with anew baseball rival that ends up proving useful. Meanwhile,Nathaniel is presented with a challenge that she is unsure ifshe should accept, and Keisha works vigorously to appease herprofessor, which is met with grim consequences.
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14 March 2023 03:00 04:00
The NCIS team jumps into motion to investigate who isresponsible for a potential bio terror attack at a strip mallparking garage. Also, Knight's father deals with a healthscare while in Japan.
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14 March 2023 03:00 04:00
After a manhunt pegs brothers Rafael and Mateo Gallardo for theMcCutcheon murder, Perry initially resists taking the case...until a hunch reels him in. Later, Della goes on a date with anew flame while Paul wrestles with a shocking truth.
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14 March 2023 04:00 05:00
With love and loss weighing heavily on his mind, Joe commits afinal act in hopes of never walking down the same path again.
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14 March 2023 04:00 05:00
When Ben leaps into a harried public defender, he must keep aninnocent teenager accused of murder out of prison for life. Inan unexpected turn of events, Jenn puts her legal expertise tothe test as she steps in as the hologram on this complicatedleap.
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14 March 2023 04:00 05:00
When Navy residents discover their vehicles were burglarizedovernight, the NCIS team connects it to a series of peculiarcrimes and tracks down an unlikely bandit. Also, Whistlerstruggles with an uncooperative CI and Alex weighs his collegeoptions.
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14 March 2023 04:00 05:00
Dr. Shaun Murphy seeks legal representation to help him win acase and puts his faith in a promising, young lawyer who hasobsessive compulsive disorder.
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14 March 2023 04:00 05:00
Elena makes a big decision about her future, and a shockingrevelation about Jocelyn's history at The Greybourne isrevealed.
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14 March 2023 05:59 06:09
Victor's rash actions come back to haunt him, and now he mustavoid the NYPD along with the hunters looking to kill him; therules of the hunt are beautifully simple, yet brutallystrict, get arrested during the hunt, and the hunt neverends.
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14 March 2023 05:59 06:59
Paige begins a promising new relationship, but her daddyissues keep threatening to get in the way. Meanwhile, Edwinmakes a bold decision around making money that will impact theentire family.
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