Events happening today
10 February 2023 03:00 03:30
Birthday boy Sean and his sister, Lisa, plan to spend theweekend with their dad. But when he's called into work, theyboth decide to secretly tag along.
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10 February 2023 03:00 03:30
Mary butts heads with Mandy's mother, Audrey, and Sheldonattempts male bonding.
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10 February 2023 04:00 05:00
When Todd agrees to help Susan's fiancé locate a missingemployee, he stumbles into a case Margaret agreed toco-counsel with Gus. Margaret and Todd realize their cases areconverging and a firewall is put into place to prevent themfrom communicating with each other.
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10 February 2023 04:00 05:00
Trevor receives disturbing news about his parents when theycome to Woodstone B&B to collect his newly discoveredremains. Also, Isaac and Nigel's relationship hits aroadblock.
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10 February 2023 04:00 05:00
Jacob and Don venture into a cursed pirate swamp: Williefishes solo after Little Willie takes a land job; Ronnie andTimmy battle poachers; Troy gambles on Pickle's new hot spot;Leron and Porkchop step up their game.
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10 February 2023 05:00 06:00
The CSI team investigates the death of an archaeologist foundnear the breakthrough discovery of an ancient civilization.Also, Max locates another cryptic note written in familiarsilver ink after a mentally distressed woman kills herattacker.
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10 February 2023 06:59 07:59
Taken into questioning by Ramsey and her team, Everett,Blake, Luna and Harlan construct an alibi. Luna and Harlanmake a startling discovery when they defend Everett from theirfirst terrifying sighting of the creature.
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10 February 2023 06:59 07:59
Charlie's waitress job at a dinner theater is interrupted by atragic death on stage during a performance by two washed-uptelevision stars; when she starts to investigate, deadlymotivations come to light.
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10 February 2023 06:59 07:59
No one wants to tell Gloria the truth about her relationship.Thanksgiving brings tears, a shocking surprise and anunfortunate turn of events.
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10 February 2023 15:00 16:00
The harvest season is about to hit Jeremy again - weatherpermitting. But that's not the biggest challenge he'll facethis farming year; the fallout from Brexit means UK farmersface uncertain futures, with subsidies disappearing and littleor no guidance from the government about where to concentratetheir efforts. The only thing that is certain is that farmersnow need to diversify, so Jeremy's got plans to do just that.With the aid of Cheerful Charlie, Jeremy's soon shopping for aherd of cows, a new flock of chickens and an on-siterestaurant where he can sell Diddly Squat produce.
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