Events happening today
23 January 2023 23:00 24 January 2023 00:00
Levelling-up leaders and environmental activists clash in asmall town trying to look to the future. With a sabotaged trainand a dead mayor, the activists become suspects.
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24 January 2023 03:00 03:30
When Tina insists Calvin find something to do in retirement,he decides to enter a competitive cornhole tournament - eventhough he's never played before. Also, Marty plans anelaborate "groom-posal" to ask Malcolm to be hisbest man.
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24 January 2023 03:00 04:00
Murdoch suspects malfeasance and murder in the apparentdrowning of a military recruit.
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24 January 2023 03:00 04:00
When Laura throws Billy a surprise birthday party, everyonecomes together to roast Billy, but Billy has a loomingdecision hanging over his head. Spencer makes an effort to dowhat's best for himself, hoping it helps Olivia and him take astep towards moving on. Jayme offers some sage advice to Asherabout his speech with JJ, but she ignores her own aboutwatching out for red flags. Meanwhile, Jordan and Layla get intheir first fight over something neither of them could havepredicted.
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24 January 2023 03:30 04:00
When Bob alerts MaxDot's longtime friend and sock manufacturerthat he will no longer need their services, Dottie steps in totry to salvage their relationship. Also, Abishola tries tomanage her discomfort while attending a drag brunch with Oluand Morenike.
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24 January 2023 04:00 05:00
When an old pal of Torres' comes to him, disheveled andbloodied for guidance amidst an undercover FBI operation andthen disappears, NCIS helps track him down. Also, McGeeprepares to be a contestant on a popular game show
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24 January 2023 04:00 05:00
The MPU works to track down the kidnapped son of a doctor, butthe case takes a turn when his mother gets in direct contactwith the kidnapper. Meanwhile, Kemi expresses her concerns forSidney's wellbeing to Nikki and Jason.
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24 January 2023 04:00 05:00
Once again, Simone's world has been rocked, leaving her nochoice but to stand up for herself with her support systemfighting right by her side. Damon is at a personal low, butthings get worse when a salacious rumor circulates about himand the baseball team. Keisha's dance trajectory hits a majorroadblock leaving everyone to rally around her. JR reflects onhis friendship when Cam shows interest in KEK. Meanwhile,Amara struggles with trying to balance being president andbeing an aunt.
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24 January 2023 04:00 05:00
Three best friends of fifty-plus years set out to track downthe missing fourth member of their squad... in 1980s Miami!Meanwhile, Roarke confides in Segundo about letting peoplein, and Ruby's cabin fever is an itch that needs to bescratched.
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24 January 2023 05:00 06:00
Shaun and Lea soon learn that their surprise pregnancy may alsocome with additional complications. Meanwhile, Doctors Park,Reznick and Allen treat a teen with Gardner's syndrome whosepast surgical history jeopardizes the outcome of his currentone.
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24 January 2023 05:00 06:00
When an elite special forces Marine captain is murdered, theNCIS team finds a suspect in a really unusual place.
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24 January 2023 06:59 07:59
Ozzie's efforts to set up Kitty's new computer put Leia in anawkward position. An ad for a free jacuzzi lands Nate and Jayin hot water.
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24 January 2023 06:59 07:59
?ahsu feels at home for the first time ever. Maran saves herfrom a dangerous situation, but she realizes he's not tellingher the entire truth.
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24 January 2023 23:00 25 January 2023 00:00
The Lyell team return to the crime scene as another victim isin peril. Family ties are tested to their limits as they revealthe dark secrets that led to the tunnel collapse, and Jack isput in a difficult position when a blast from the past comes tovisit.
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