Events happening today
21 January 2023 03:00 04:00
When Quinten's perfect dad, Sam, comes into town, Georgetries to prove to the family that Sam is as much of a dirtbagas he is.
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21 January 2023 03:00 04:00
Devil's Night and a drug drought causes chaos and a spike incrime in the city of Detroit. Meech seeks a new supply from K-9at a bloody cost, while Terry confronts a car servicecompetitor.
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21 January 2023 03:30 04:00
Hawaii, 1986: Rocky travels overseas to visit Andre the Gianton the set of 'The Princess Bride'. Dewey's sudden growth spurtleads to trouble.
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21 January 2023 04:00 05:00
A software glitch takes down the emergency department. Bashexplores new terrain. Mags searches for a new cardiologist.June is fed up with her bosses. Theo attempts a stable datinglife.
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21 January 2023 04:00 05:00
A former inmate firefighter harboring a grudge against Sharonreturns to carry out his revenge.
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21 January 2023 04:00 05:00
Parker's crew is hit with a series of mysterious breakdowns atthe Airstrip. Fred's mechanic must decode a washplant beltissue to stay on Freedom Cut gold. Dave's team digs into virginground on Glacier Creek.
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21 January 2023 05:00 06:00
Danny and Baez's investigation into the death of a chesshustler is complicated by interference from the victim's son.Also, Erin is offered an endorsement of her run for D.A. by aninfluential Harlem pastor in exchange for a professionalfavor; Gormley comes to Frank with a request regarding adisabled officer who has a connection to Danny; and Jamietries to make amends with a man he regrets putting away as ayoung officer.
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21 January 2023 05:00 06:00
The SWAT team participates in a joint task force with the FBIwhen a car bombing has ties to a terrorist group planning anattack in Los Angeles. Also, a tragedy from Deacon's pastgives insight into the origins of his faith, and Luca and hisbrother, Terry, battle over a new family revelation.
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