Events happening today
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20 January 2023 03:00 04:00
Cordell and Cassie intervene in a hostage situation at a serverfarm, but something Trey finds indicates something moresinister is at play. Meanwhile, August tries to smooth thingsover with his grandparents, Liam attempts to step up hisresponsibility within the family business, and a luncheonawkwardly reunites Cordell with someone from the past.
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20 January 2023 04:00 05:00
Abby starts to question everything she thought to be true,much to the dismay of her friends. Kai thinks he's seen a ghostwhen an unexpected person from his past appears inIndependence, which makes Kate suspicious. Gus, Hoyt and Katework together to help Kai, resulting in Gus making a move noone saw coming.
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20 January 2023 04:00 05:00
Ronnie faces a challenge in his own territory. Joey and Zak usepig heads to lure in giants. Leron and Porkchop battle apoacher stealing their catch. Troy places a big bet onSpearhead Lake. Jacob welcomes a new deckhand.
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20 January 2023 06:30 07:00
When Principal Rogers enrolls all the female students in aself-defense class, Velma and Daphne must work out theircomplicated relationship on the mat. Meanwhile, Norville vowsto get answers from Fred... by any means necessary.
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20 January 2023 06:59 07:59
Max, Audrey, and Aki navigate the growing complications ofbeing a triad. Kate enters an uneasy alliance with a formerfoe. Julien weathers her quest to destroy Gossip Girl alone -until a shocking implication hits too close to home.
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20 January 2023 06:59 07:29
With Crystal Cove High's hottest girls under attack, Velmaquestions her feminist values, while Fred analyzes his ownviews on women. After seeking Daphne's help, Norville findshimself embroiled in a new mystery.
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20 January 2023 06:59 07:59
Leif says a painful goodbye. Harald's new love is not what sheseems. A key battle comes to an end, but the war to rule overNorway is just beginning.
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