Events happening today
17 January 2023 23:00 18 January 2023 00:00
The investigation continues to take unexpected turns, withNikki managing to get behind the mask of the lead suspect. Jackhas a breakthrough at the festival site and Nikki takes adangerous opportunity. A surprise event at the Lyell bringssome hope.
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18 January 2023 03:00 03:30
Judge Abby Stone follows in the footsteps of her late fatherJudge Harry Stone as she takes over the night shift of aManhattan arraignment court. When the court finds itself inneed of a public defender, Abby sees potential in an unlikelycandidate from her father's past: former night court prosecutorDan Fielding.
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18 January 2023 03:00 04:00
Conrad is pulled away from celebrating Gigi's 6th birthday whenSammie comes into Chastian with a 104-degree fever, and Kitmust call in a favor for treatment. Meanwhile, a heart arrivesfor Governor Betz's transplant surgery.
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18 January 2023 03:00 04:00
When Rex finds a body with signs of foul play during Charlieand Sarah's romantic weekend getaway, they discover theidyllic community they're staying in may be more hostile thanit looks.
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18 January 2023 03:30 04:00
Abby pushes Dan Fielding to embrace his new role as publicdefender; Neil gets on board with Abby's quest to improve thecourtroom and quickly realizes why trying is for the birds.
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18 January 2023 04:00 05:00
Max and Wilder face a dilemma over approvals for arevolutionary cancer drug as Max learns a secret about his ownbout with cancer. Reynolds goes the extra mile to correct adire medical situation. Iggy tries desperately to help a womanin need.
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18 January 2023 04:00 05:00
The fellowship is stunned when evidence suggests that a damlies buried at the end of the swamp, corroborating both FredNolan's theory, and Zena Halpern's Templar map.
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18 January 2023 04:30 05:00
On her first day away from baby, Sloane's maternal anxietiesseep into the workplace. A disastrous commercial shoot bringsKate closer to her new client, as Anne goes on a risky fieldtrip with hers.
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18 January 2023 05:00 06:00
Will and Faith's investigation into a small-town murder haslarge implications when a connection is drawn to adecadeslong, covered-up cold case. Meanwhile, the death of asecurity guard perplexes Angie while she contemplates anunexpected dinner invitation from Ormewood, which may rehashsome memories from their past.
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18 January 2023 05:00 06:00
As the unit investigates a murder victim whose body has beendrained of blood, the gruesome case catches the attention of atrue crime show, and Brendon shares his "VampireCop" expertise to help solve the case.
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18 January 2023 05:00 06:00
Everyone's story reaches a surprising yet inevitableconclusion.
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18 January 2023 05:00 06:00
Officer John Nolan and Celina are enlisted to stand guard at ahospital after a dangerous prisoner must have surgery and theysuspect there's more to it than meets the eye. Meanwhile,Aaron gets Lopez and Harper to help him investigate a string ofhome robberies, and Tim and Lucy consider how their new secretrelationship will affect their work. Elsewhere, Lopez getsunexpected news.
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18 January 2023 06:59 07:29
While Sexify closes its doors, Natalia, Monika and Paulinatake time apart to focus on themselves and recharge. Rafa?receives an offer from Ma... gorzata.
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18 January 2023 06:59 07:59
Love blossoms on the ship as the crew makes a fatefuldecision, with Olaf hot on Harald's heels. Jormundr standstrial. Canute makes Godwin an offer.
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