Events happening today
12 January 2023 03:00 03:30
Adam's creative funk is revitalized by a new job in the arts,but his overzealous management style causes Beverly to dosomething unthinkable! Meanwhile, as a young father, Geofffinds it difficult to relate to the JTP.
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12 January 2023 03:00 03:30
The death of a beloved teacher from Dan and Jackie's highschool brings old classmates together. Elsewhere, Becky asksDarlene and Ben for a big favor.
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12 January 2023 03:00 04:00
Marcel and Charles treat Lieu's gym buddy. Maggie and Halsteadhelp a robbery-homicide suspect. Asher and Archer use Med's newopiate abuse AI program.
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12 January 2023 03:30 04:00
Camille struggles with her Indian identity when a cousinvisits. Andrew's on a cold case. Khia returns from Paris early.
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12 January 2023 03:30 04:00
Marina's confession about her sensual Santiago dreams opens thedoor to new levels of transparency between her and Tom.Meanwhile, Connor takes things to the next levelromantically, and Denise gets a special gift for Kelvin.
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12 January 2023 04:00 04:30
Sam and Kelly investigate a ketamine theft at an animalsanctuary. Naz and Nathan work to catch the dealer of adangerous new synthetic drug.
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12 January 2023 04:00 05:00
Firehouse 51 prepares for their semi-annual firehouseinspection. Brett fights to save her paramedicine program.Commander Martin Pearce asks Severide for a favor.
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12 January 2023 04:00 05:00
In a rare lapse of judgment, Richard implodes Daniel's ,000copper still. As the fire marshal ramps up his investigation,Josh makes a tough decision to flee the country. Tim's solutionto a centuries-old still build is going to sting a bit forHoward.
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12 January 2023 04:30 05:30
During a day of touchdowns and missed plays, the AbbottElementary faculty find themselves learning lessons inteamwork. Two of Janine's students aren't getting along inclass, leading her to seek advice from her colleagues on howto help repair their friendship. Meanwhile, Melissa and Avaplot to bring down Mr. Johnson in fantasy football.
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12 January 2023 05:00 06:00
A shocking ambush at a funeral leads the team into a heatedinvestigation to find the shooters. Much to Atwater'ssurprise, he must rely on someone from his past to help in theinvestigation, dredging up old memories and revealing newtruths.
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12 January 2023 05:00 06:00
Jenny, Cassie and Beau uncover the truth about the BleedingHeart Killer, but before justice can be served, chaos breaksout. Avery's involvement with Tony's crime family escalates toa standoff; Emily and Denise are put in grave danger; anddespite her recent revelations, Sunny's family ties continueto pull apart. As Cassie, Jenny and Beau work to clean up themess, the killer is still on the loose, ensuring no one issafe.
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12 January 2023 06:59 07:59
Not knowing who's good and who's bad, Jess works with Billieand deciphers a hundreds-year-old clue that points to a famous18th century landmark, and together they plan an impossibleheist during an historic reenactment to retrieve the next pieceof the treasure map. But things don't go as planned, and Jessis ultimately faced with the most difficult decision of herlife.
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12 January 2023 06:59 07:59
The team reluctantly enlists the help of a naïve but ambitiousassistant to take down a predatory music producer, in anepisode told entirely from the POV of a regular person.
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12 January 2023 06:59 07:59
Georgia insists on going to Ginny's therapy session, where rawtruths emerge. Gil pushes his way into Austin's life andGeorgia finds cause to celebrate.
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12 January 2023 06:59 07:59
Beyond the edge of the world lies the Immemorial City, aruined place of eternal evil. The Crone awaits our heroes.
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12 January 2023 06:59 07:59
Oh Seung-hoon of the Korean Desk is dispatched to thePhilippines, and meets his partner, Mark.
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12 January 2023 06:59 07:59
Scores are settled and mysteries revealed as Coake is pushed toexplain Pictor's plan and the true reason for his missiononboard, Rose and Fulmer work out the horrifying extent ofwhat the coded messages they have discovered really mean, andMagnus must put his personal demons to rest and lead the crewin one final bid for their survival.
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