Events happening today
09 January 2023 23:00 10 January 2023 00:00
A lorry is found with people locked inside, some dead. Withthe survivors refusing to speak, Nikki and the team must usetheir pathological and forensic skills to identify them.
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10 January 2023 03:00 04:00
Murdoch must prove Brackenreid's innocence when he's framed formurder by a vengeful foe.
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10 January 2023 04:00 05:00
NCIS agents from Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and Hawai'i,all in D.C. to attend the retirement party of a beloved FederalLaw Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) professor, findthemselves jointly investigating his shocking suicide.
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10 January 2023 04:00 05:00
While Agent Rountree and Fatima are searching for Kilbride,who has been MIA, they are ambushed and learn that everymember of the team has a 0,000 bounty on their head via thedark web. The NCIS team must save Agent Rountree and findKilbride while every cartel, hit man, gang and psychopathhunts them down.
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10 January 2023 04:00 05:00
Jason, Nikki and the MPU team investigate when a woman runsdown a man and forces him to get in her car at gunpoint.Meanwhile, more information about Keith's kidnapper comes tolight.
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10 January 2023 04:00 05:00
In the wake of her mother's passing, Helene visits the Islandin search of her biological father. She thinks he might just beone of the guys who's come to celebrate a Bachelor Party.Roarke and Javier grow closer, while Ruby gives herself aspiritual cleanse with a bonfire and a night swim, where sheencounters an old friend.
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10 January 2023 05:00 06:00
Tennant, Jimmy Palmer and Sam Hanna find themselves capturedwith a woman who claims to be a CIA agent demanding intel fromthe team. Also, Jesse, Ernie, Whistler and Alden Parkerlearn about an asset that arrived in Hawai'i who could beconnected to several overseas assassinations.
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10 January 2023 05:00 06:00
Ben leaps into Alexandra Tomkinson, a medical resident in aSeattle hospital. As victims from a train crash pour into theER, Addison reveals Ben's complicated mission. He must go upagainst hospital bosses to save lives and Alexandra's career.
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10 January 2023 06:59 07:59
After a night out with Zion, Paul comes home to a startlingdiscovery. Austin receives a surprise visitor at school.
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10 January 2023 06:59 07:59
A brutal gang war may create an opportunity for Miu. Aftersuffering severe injuries, Nicklas summons a secret weapon tocarry out his revenge.
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10 January 2023 06:59 07:59
After opening up to Detective Inês, Miranda does everythingto discover the truth about Heitor. Luísa and Vinícius runaway together.
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10 January 2023 06:59 07:59
Kevin forgets to take the garbage bins down.
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10 January 2023 06:59 07:59
Baz and Garrow get closer to understanding their mission whenthey explore the pump control room, and realise they needFulmer to help them - leading to painful consequences forFulmer as he struggles to keep a grip on his sanity. When thecrew's anxieties rise as a glimmer of potential hope turnssour, Magnus finds himself losing his grip as tensions amongstthe group reach fever pitch.
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10 January 2023 06:59 07:59
On a trip to Milan to visit Roberto, Giovanna wrestles withwanting to be seen as the scholar's equal or something else.
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10 January 2023 23:00 11 January 2023 00:00
The Lyell team work together to find out why the lorry wasfound with bodies inside and a dead driver at the wheel, andare truly shocked to discover where it leads them. Gabrielbecomes emotionally invested and is presented with an ethicaldilemma, and Jack gets a surprise visit.
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