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Events happening today

  1. 4

    15 July 2024 04:00      05:00

    With Jack supervising, Lucy and Jules turn to extreme measuresto excavate a shared memory that may contain clues to theirpast. Kira encounters Emily at a Darros Foundation event anddiscovers she may be more friend than foe.

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    15 July 2024 04:00      05:00

    Coming Soon...

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  2. 6

    15 July 2024 06:59      07:29

    The Protostar':s reunion with Voyager has unexpected sideeffects, bouncing the crew between alternate realities -including the Mirror Universe.

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    15 July 2024 06:59      07:29

    Jimmy and Kara race back to Metropolis to stop Brainiac':sinvasion of Earth! Meanwhile, Lois tries to free Clark fromBrainiac's control, only to lose herself in an alternatereality where Superman never left Krypton.

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    15 July 2024 06:59      07:59

    Roman moves his family to the safety of Nestor':smansion; they use a peace meeting with Yolanda and Don Henaoas an opportunity to take them out and end the Colombianthreat.

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    15 July 2024 06:59      07:59

    An incident on the bridge raises questions across Kingstown:Mike sets a risky plan in motion.

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    15 July 2024 06:59      07:59

    Ben sets out to expose Jason while Darren':s determinationsparks concern. Phil reveals a thoughtful surprise.

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    15 July 2024 06:59      07:59

    Leif meets an unusual nun on his way to Corfu, Freydis devisesa plan for Magnus' imminent arrival and Harald'sindiscretion worries his friends.

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    15 July 2024 06:59      07:59

    To show Travis they really love him, Abbie and Marv plan alast minute half-birthday rager. Godcat summons the cherubs tosee the wonders of Earth.

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