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Events happening today

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    17 April 2023 00:00      01:00

    As London life begins to take its toll, Pip's immoral workwith Jaggers brings Estella back into this life.

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    17 April 2023 00:00      01:00

    Charlotte and Colbourne rush to Augusta's aid and it's revealedwhether Edward really is a changed man or not. Tom secures afinancial investment... but is delivered some devastating news.And whilst love blossoms elsewhere, Arthur's heart is broken.

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  2. 3

    16 April 2023 03:00      03:10

    Bingo pretends to be Bluey's new employee in the middle ofDad's backyard workout!

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  3. 6

    16 April 2023 06:00      07:00

    Coming Soon...

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    16 April 2023 06:59      07:59

    The consequences of their actions leave Danny and Amy in asurreal situation that tests their grasp on reality.

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    16 April 2023 06:59      07:59

    Feeling on edge after receiving mysterious text messages duringAnna and Jay's engagement party, William soon slips up. Sallymakes a confession.

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    16 April 2023 06:59      07:59

    Mike's plans to retrieve the truck hit a snag when Sonny getsinvolved. In Philly, Iris attends a memorial service and getsintel on Mike's whereabouts.

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